Case Studies
Business Sector
Royal Dutch Shell Exploration and Production
- Designed and led consultancy and facilitation skills training for several hundred personnel involved in the “Drilling the Limit” “Producing the Limit” and “Volumes to Value” systems of performance improvement.
- Major savings in exploration, drilling and production costs.
Royal Dutch Shell Learning and Development
- Designed and piloted a “blended” facilitation skills training course for Shell trainers, involving online work, individual work assignments, teleconference reporting and face-to-face learning.
- Designed and piloted an online facilitation skills course for Shell personnel leading online programs. The course included online work, online presentations and individual work assignments.
- Created participant manuals and trainer manuals for both courses.
- Easy access for personnel to facilitation skills training – no need to book expensive outside courses.
- A more consistent approach to facilitation across the international learning organization.
- Assisted in development of company-wide top leadership development training course.
- Delivery of the course over 20 times in countries across the world.
- Adaptation of course content and approach based on participant feedback.
- Strong top level leadership across the company.
- Spread of consistent values across the company.
- Improved reputation of the company for its development opportunities.
Government Sector
Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
- Facilitated peer exchange among national policy developers for wind farms representing four nations bordering the North Sea.
- Engaged NGOs committed to protection of North Sea wildlife.
- Trained Dutch facilitators to lead peer exchanges and policy innovation workshops.
- Shared international perspective on North Sea wind farm development policy, with full support of NGO community.
- Engagement of other countries bordering the North Sea.
Non-Government Sector
Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
- Facilitated an 8-year merger process between two Roman Catholic religious orders which had divided in the 19th century.
- Designed a process of dialogue, mutual learning and meeting of Sisters from the opposite congregation.
- Facilitated regional discussions considering the option to merge or not.
- Both congregations voted overwhelmingly in favor of merger.
- The merger has proceeded with satisfaction on both sides.
School Sisters of Notre Dame General Council
- Designed and facilitated a week-long launch of a newly-elected leadership team.
- Established team values and ways of working.
- Initiated plans for implementing the Chapter Directors.
- Leadership team launched with mutual understanding of ways to work together.
- Individual expectations and concerns understood by all.
- Strategic planning process begun.
Education Sector
Hanze University of Applied Sciences
- Designed and facilitated the development of a multi-university graduate program involving five European universities and business schools.
- Facilitated creation on shared values, course materials.
- Created regulations that met requirements of each of the governments involved.
- The program was legally registered in a record 18 months.
- Students from all 5 countries now participate.
- Through the program, students attend classes and earn Master’s Degrees in two countries.
Professional Sector
International Association of Facilitators
- Organized facilitation peer support group in the Netherlands.
- With the support group, launched a Dutch Chapter of the IAF.
- Built a team to translate IAF Certification materials into Dutch to launch IAF certification in the Netherlands.
- Established a rhythm of annual Dutch facilitation conferences.
- IAF in the Netherlands remains self-supporting with local leadership.
- Growing numbers of Dutch facilitators are professionally certified.
- IAF conferences in the Netherlands continue annually.
- The Netherlands IAF provides support and participation in IAF Europe/North Africa.